Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:Cluster
siVertexCluster ですが、Particle が含まれます。
v5.0 のように、Cluster オブジェクトで呼び出されたベースプロパティSIObject.Parent は、X3DObjectの代わりにPrimitiveを戻します。
' ' This example shows how to create many different cluster types. ' It also shows how to find all clusters in a scene ' NewScene ,false set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root set grid = oRoot.AddGeometry("Grid","MeshSurface") set gridGeometry = grid.ActivePrimitive.Geometry 'Only certain types makes sense on a MeshSurface 'This cluster we will create as a subset of the vertices gridGeometry.AddCluster siVertexCluster,"PntCluster",Array(1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22) 'The rest we will create as complete clusters gridGeometry.AddCluster siPolygonCluster,"PolygonC" gridGeometry.AddCluster siEdgeCluster gridGeometry.AddCluster siSampledPointCluster 'A different set makes sense with Nurbs set torus = oRoot.AddGeometry("Torus","NurbsSurface") set torusGeometry = torus.ActivePrimitive.Geometry torusGeometry.AddCluster siVertexCluster,"PntCluster" torusGeometry.AddCluster siSampledPointCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siSurfaceCurveCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siKnotCurveUCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siKnotCurveVCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siBoundaryCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siKnotCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siTrimCurveCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siIsoLineUCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siIsoLineVCluster torusGeometry.AddCluster siSubSurfaceCluster set circle = oRoot.AddGeometry("Circle","NurbsCurve") set circleGeometry = circle.ActivePrimitive.Geometry circleGeometry.AddCluster siIsoPointCluster circleGeometry.AddCluster siVertexCluster,"PntCluster" circleGeometry.AddCluster siKnotCluster set particleCloud = CreateParticleCloud().Item(0) particleCloud.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster siVertexCluster, "MyParticles" ' Now traverse the scene finding all the clusters logmessage "Clusters in Scene......................" set oSceneObjs = ActiveSceneRoot.FindChildren() for each oItem in oSceneObjs 'Use error handling to skip over the objects that don't 'support clusters on error resume next set oClusters = oItem.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Clusters if ( err = 0 ) then logmessage oItem & " has " & oClusters.Count & " Clusters: " for each oCls in oClusters logmessage " " & oCls & " (type: " & oCls.Type & ")" next end if next 'The output of this script is: 'INFO : "Clusters in Scene......................" 'INFO : "grid has 4 Clusters: " 'INFO : " grid.polymsh.cls.PntCluster (type: pnt)" 'INFO : " grid.polymsh.cls.edge.clslist.Edge (type: edge)" 'INFO : " grid.polymsh.cls.PolygonC (type: poly)" 'INFO : " grid.polymsh.cls.sample.clslist.Sample (type: sample)" 'INFO : "torus has 11 Clusters: " 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.V_Knot_Curve (type: knotcrvv)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.U_Knot_Curve (type: knotcrvu)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.sample.clslist.Sample (type: sample)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.PntCluster (type: pnt)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.Surface_Curve (type: srfcrv)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.V_Isoline (type: isolinev)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.knot.clslist.Knot (type: knot)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.Boundary (type: bndry)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.Subsurface (type: subsrf)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.U_Isoline (type: isolineu)" 'INFO : " torus.surfmsh.cls.Trim_Curve (type: trimcrv)" 'INFO : "circle has 3 Clusters: " 'INFO : " circle.crvlist.cls.Isopoint (type: isopnt)" 'INFO : " circle.crvlist.cls.PntCluster (type: pnt)" 'INFO : " circle.crvlist.cls.knot.clslist.Knot (type: knot)" 'INFO : "cloud has 1 Clusters: " 'INFO : " cloud.cloud.cls.MyParticles (type: pnt)" |
//Step 1: Simulate the user creating a scene and selecting //some points on a grid var oGrid = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Grid", "MeshSurface" ) ; SelectObj( oGrid ) ; ActivateVertexSelTool(); AddToSelection( oGrid.Name + ".pnt[0-8]", null, true); //Step 2: Get the selected components using OM var oSubComponent = Selection(0).SubComponent ; //Expect that 9 components were selected logmessage( oSubComponent.ComponentCollection.Count ) ; //Step 3: it is simple to create a cluster var oCluster = oSubComponent.CreateCluster() ; logmessage( oCluster.FullName ) ; //Output of this example: //INFO : "9" //INFO : "grid.polymsh.cls.Point" |